welcome to interior creature.
My name is Jaclyn Michelle and I am a personal development nerd.
Ever since I was little, I've been drawn toward all things metaphysical.
But like so many of the folks I support, I sold my soul in pursuit of "success.” I tried to squeeze myself into a system that I wasn’t built for, switched on autopilot, and completely burnt myself out. By the time I quit corporate, I had gained 50+ pounds, an abusive relationship with alcohol, deep depression, and a host of auto-immune issues. And I had lost my sense of self along the way.
In her book Women Who Run With the Wolves, Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés writes:
“Anyone close to a woman is in fact in the presence of two women; an outer being and an interior criatura, one who lives in the topside world, one who lives in the world not so easily seeable.”
Reading those words heralded a massive epiphany for me: the outer topside “self” was a costume I had put on to please others, and I simply wasn’t willing to do that anymore. I needed to go in search of my interior creature, and bring her back into the light.
To find her, I returned to the spiritual toolkit I had started developing as a child and I found the medicine I needed most through reconnecting with my birth charts.
interior creature started as a project to make the esoteric accessible. Systems like Human Design, the Gene Keys, and Astrology are powerful modalities but are often discussed in ways that are needlessly opaque, and I wanted to build the resource I wish I had when I was first starting my study.
Today, as a Birth Chart Alchemist, Practitioner, and Teacher, I am passionate about radically compassionate self-inquiry and doing the 🪞inner work needed to shift our outer world 🕊
“A miracle is just a shift in perception.”

what is birth chart alchemy?
Birth Chart Alchemy combines the languages of the systems of Human Design, the Gene Keys, and Astrology (as well as the wisdom and teachings of some of the world's most insightful and respected personal development & spiritual thought-leaders) creating a fresh, nuanced, specific, and compassionate transmission of these tools that empower us explore who we are, why we are who we are, and who we can be when we embrace the most authentic, aligned, & highest expression of our energy.
Human Design was channeled in the late 1980s by Robert Allan Krakower (who later took the name Ra Uru Hu) and combines the wisdom & teaching of Kabbalah’s Tree of Life from Jewish mysticism, the Chakras from the Hindu Brahmin tradition, the Chinese I’Ching, and Western Astrology into one cohesive system. I like to think of our Human Design BodyGraph as both a map of how our energy impacts others (and how our energy is impacted in return) as well as the fine print of our Soul’s Contract for this lifetime.
Developed by Richard Rudd (a colleague of Krakower), The Gene Keys dives deep into the 64 gates, which Rudd calls Gene Keys. The Hologenetic Profile provides a clear path of personalized spiritual contemplation and explores the range of energies present within each activated gate, from the Repressive & Reactive Shadows, to the Gift, to the Siddhi. The goal of the Gene Keys is to empower us, through self-inquiry, to fine-tune the way we embody these energies and traits as we aspire to live out our Life’s Work.
The study of how the movement of & energetic interaction between the planets, stars, asteroids, and other celestial bodies influence and inform energetic shifts at the personal, community, and collective levels. I specialize in Natal & Gestational Astrology, and translating major Astrological Transits into the language of Human Design.