An Intro to Human Design | The Five Types | Manifestors
Our Human Design is comprised of nine centers, thirty-six channels, and sixty-four gates, all of which present as either open or closed, connected or absent, on or off, respectively. There are a lot of parts and pieces and potential combinations, so suffice it to say that how these centers, channels and gates interact all combine together to form our overall Human Design.
Over the past few weeks, we tackled all nine of our energy centers. If you're new to Human Design, and want to get yourself caught up, check out the "New to Human Design?" link above and follow the center-by-center click path.
Last week, we started our exploration of the types with Generators and Manifesting Generators. Today is all about pure Manifestors, and we're going to use the PATRON SAINT of Manifestors, Frida Kahlo, as our case study.
The GODDESS and ultimate Manifestor, Frida Kahlo.
Pure Manifestors, this post is for you!
Manifestors are about 8-9% of the world's population. You have an open Sacral Center (womp womp) BUT BUT BUT you have at least one activated channel between a motor center and your Throat Center, which brings you your super power: MANIFESTING. Manifestors are pure doers, and you have access to the consistent energy inside to just start things: projects, conversations, businesses, movements, etc.
Manifestors have three important gifts to give the community/collective:
you can act independently and quickly
you can initiate, and thus catalyze action in others
you can impact others through not only your energy but the fruits of your manifestation
Here’s where it gets super woo-woo: According to Ra Uru Hu, the guy who “channeled” the system, Manifestors historically were the warrior kings and queens and the religious figureheads that conquered and built kingdoms, established the laws, and fought to keep control by any means necessary. In fact, a lot of the older power structures (think monarchies and religious/secular hierarchies) were established with the goal of preserving power for one elite person. In 1781, around the time we as humans evolved from seven-centered beings into nine-centered beings, humanity's energy started to shift and evolve as well from yang/yang (which is more primal) to yin/yin (which is more receptive). Generators, as responsive beings, THRIVE in receptive environments, as do Projectors, who are all about receiving that invitation. As a result, Manifestors that didn't NEED to wait for something to respond to were presented with the challenge of navigating their new place in society.
If you are a Manifestor and are looking for some serious Manifestor sisterhood, I deeply recommend Hayden Herrera's biography of Frida Kahlo. Frida is a Manifestor and a brilliant case study in navigating honoring her Manifestor strategy and authority within a society that was not about that vibe, and her life story is a master class in how to harness your badass Manifestor mojo.
Frida is a MANIFESTOR QWEEN. Her Root Center (a motor center) is connected to her Throat via her Emotional/Solar Plexus (also a motor center).
Here's the CliffsNotes version: Frida was born in Mexico City in 1907. Not only did she battle polio as a child, BUT she was horrifically injured in a bus accident when she was 18 that caused her severe pain, resulted in multiple surgeries, and basically affected her until the day she died. BUT none of that stopped her from MANIFESTING. Whatever she wanted, she made happen. Frida was a force of pure action. She didn't ask permission. She really didn't give a fuck about what others thought of her. She lived her life with a fierce authenticity and passion. (I think no one is surprised her Self/Identity Center is closed). She dressed how she wanted, saw the world via her own unique perspective, and read the things/pursued the topics that called to her, even when society tried to silence her, fit her into a box, and dull her shine. Even at her lowest, she painted and created art from her bed. Like, in a back and neck brace. Even with that limited physical mobility, she figured out ways to be able to create her art. She was incredibly politically active and met her husband, muralist Diego Rivera, through her work with the Communist Party (sidebar: she also met a few of her lovers that way, too). Frida Kahlo: Genius artist. Creative force of nature. Powerhouse. LGBTQIA+/Feminist Icon. MANIFESTOR QWEEN.
Manifestors are often misunderstood and have gained a reputation as unstable. You are the ones who innovate and immediately act, usually alone, without giving the rest of the community a heads up or a chance to assist. Change can be scary, especially for those Projectors/Manifesting Generators/Generators/Reflectors who find themselves in the passenger seat with a Manifestor behind the wheel, flooring it. People fear what they can't control. But you, dearest Manifestor, are not meant to be controlled. Others people's fear is THIER SHIT to deal with, and is ultimately not your responsibility. If they don't like where you're driving, they can get their ass out of the car.
But since no one is an island, one way Manifestors can alleviate some of the stress/fear/anxiety your GO GO GO energy triggers in others is to simply INFORM (for more about informing, check out the post on your half-sibling Manifesting Generators, as they need to inform, too). Give the ones you love and work with a heads up about your plans before you jump in the drivers seat and take off. This is not so they can weigh in and try to change your mind or course of action. Nope. This is just a formality: it makes non-Manifestors feel like they were part of the decision-making process and allows them a little window of awareness into what you're ultimately going to do, which clears the path of resistance. So many Manifestors grow up being told to sit still and stay silent, which shoves their powers of manifestation into the closet and leaves them feeling like others are trying to control them. Using your strategy of INFORMING is actually taking that power back: it gives those around you the illusion of collaboration and control, but ultimately leaves you firmly in the drivers seat, empowering you to DO unimpeded.
What's challenging for others is precisely what works best for you: Manifestors are the only pure doers of the types, and although you can work really well with the other types, you don't actually need them to make things happen.
In a beautiful, symbiotic world...
Manifestors would have an idea and start a project
Projectors would guide the right resources to take on the right roles on the team
Generators and Manifesting Generators who have the sacral YES response would engage their energy and work the tasks to completion, and meanwhile
Reflectors would be acting as the foreman, gauging how the work is progressing
Utopia, right? Unfortunately, due to our collective cultural conditioning and where we are in our evolution, things don't always go this way.
As a Manifestor, your not-self theme is anger, and this can surface is two distinct ways:
rage and rebellion (FUCK YOU I'M DOING IT ANYWAY!)
passivity and accomodation (FINE. We'll do it your way. See how well that turns out. **crosses arms and legs, sits in a corner and disengages**)
Anger is the language your body uses to tell you that you're not in your integrity. You've given your power and influence to something that isn't serving you so CUT IT OUT ALREADY. This is a sign that you've acquiesced to too much conditioning influence and need to energetically reset. Your aura is meant to protect you: there's a reason why others might perceive you a A LOT or as unpredictable and might be repelled. Those that are repelled by your energy are not meant for you. They're not your people and don't bother wasting your time and energy trying to make them your people. You are here to be disruptive. Don't apologize for your power. You are not designed to fetch and carry for others. You are not here to build other people's dreams. You are here to build your own, and if your dreams are also in service of a higher, greater good, EVEN BETTER! In fact, when a Manifestor is trying to build something that only serves the ego, you might run into resistance and obstacles. Reframe: how can your creation serve the highest greatest good? One way you can work well with others is by joining forces with someone who has a defined Sacral Center. You can work off their energy is short intense bursts, meanwhile providing them with the catalyst for them to respond to!
One question that might bother you as a Manifestor: "Will anyone pick up what I'm putting down? Will anyone respond to the thing I just put out there?" If you're acting within your integrity, using your strategy of INFORMING and your authority to guide you, and acting in service to the greater good, then the answer will always be FUCK YES THEY WILL!
Are you a Manifestor? Did this resonate with you? Let me know in the comments 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
Curry, Karen. Understanding Human Design. Hierophant Publishing, 2013.
Parker, Karen Curry, Abundance by Design. GracePoint Matrix, 2016.
Parker, Karen Curry. Human Design Activation Guide. GracePoint Matrix, 2018.
Parkyn, Chetan. Human Design: Discover the Person You Were Born to Be. New World Library, 2009.