An Intro to Human Design | The Seven Authorities | Sacral, Emotional/Solar Plexus and Splenic Authority
Let me hear your body talk...
This BEAUTIFUL Monday is all about the AUTHORITIES, the language our body uses to communicate to us, many times in-the-moment, what is meant for us and what we need to back the fuck away from.
All of our centers communicate with us, especially our closed ones. The difference is that our authority carries the message we need to pay the closest attention to when making decisions.
Gentle reminder: despite being told since we were itty bitty kiddos to "think things through" or "use your brain," our Mind Center is actually not where decisions are made. It can be where decisions are CONFIRMED, but if you're living your design, the actual YES or NO impulse comes from your authority.
In your body graph info under Chart Properties (if you ran yours on #notsponsored #justafan) YOUR authority will be listed under your definition. The seven types of authority are:
Sacral Authority
Emotional/Solar Plexus Authority
Splenic Authority
Ego/Heart Authority
Self/Identity/G Authority
Environment Authority
Moon/Lunar Authority
The last two (Environment and Moon) are the only types of authority that come from OUTSIDE of the body.
For now, I want to GET PHYSICAL with each authority, and today we're tacking the first three on the list, starting with Sacral Authority.
Having Sacral Authority in your chart means that you need to listen/feel for the ah-HUH or UHN-uh from your Sacral Center before making a decision. A refresher on this center and the language it uses to communicate might be helpful.
The Sacral Center communicates when we're about to RESPOND (only Generators or Manifesting Generators will have Sacral Authority in their charts): it's the HOLY MOMENT between being potentially initiated and the committing of the energy.
If we get the ah-HUH from our Sacral Center (the pull toward the task, a SQUEEEEEE! type internal expansion), this is the center's way of saying FUCK YES WE CAN TAKE THIS TASK ON! LET'S DO THE DAMN THING!
If we get the UHN-un (the feeling of contraction away from the task, or a guttural WAAAAAAHHHHHHH NOOOOOOOO DON'T WANNA...), this is our signal to politely say "no, thank you!" or turn our focus elsewhere.
A quick reminder about RESPONDING, because this has been a trend in my readings with clients lately: don't get it twisted! WAITING TO RESPOND and WAITING FOR AN INVITATION are TWO DIFFERENT THINGS!
As a Generator or a Manifesting Generator, EVERY BREATH WE TAKE IS A RESPONSE. #nevernotresponding
It's totally reductive and hella limiting to think that we can only respond to direct questions or to tasks given to us by the people around us. Our Sacral Center can respond to ideas, to energies, to invitations, to art, to music, to books, to actions, to topics in discussions...the list just goes on and on.
As Generators, there are three really good questions you can ask yourself to make sure you're RESPONDING and not INITIATING:
by acting, am I addressing a need?
by acting, am I filling a void?
by acting, am I answering a question?
If you're just learning to let yourself be led by your Sacral Center, practice first with responding to questions or ideas that are from a solid, external source. Then, as you get better at discerning the way your authority or Sacral Center communicates YES or NO to you, start posing questions to yourself. Most of us have been conditioned since we were children away from listening to our gut, and told to use our heads when making decisions, so getting back into this old habit might take some practice.
For those with Sacral Authority, it is CRUCIAL you only commit your energy to things that light you up, turn you on, and are within your integrity. When we begrudgingly commit our energy to tasks and work that isn't meant for us and doesn't bring us joy or light us up, it can cause MAJOR health problems. Those with Sacral Authority are meant to do work they love, so if your career isn't providing that, finding a hobby as a vehicle to commit some of that precious Sacral energy is the best thing you can do for your health :)
If you have Emotional/Solar Plexus Authority in your chart, you literally need to FEEL SHIT OUT before you can act on a decision, whether it's an invitation you received if you're a Projector, or a task for you to potentially respond to if you're a Generator/Manifesting Generator, etc. You still might be receiving messages from your Spleen, but you really need to ride the entirety of your emotional wave, feel all the feels, and then when you feel calm, decide.
Those with Emotional/Solar Plexus Authority never feel 100% sure about their decisions...more like 75/80% AND THAT'S OK. The reason you still might feel hesitant is because YOU DID THE RIGHT THING and allowed your body to feel all the potential emotional possibilities. The remaining uncertainty is your body remembering when you were feeling through the low point in your emotional wave. 80% certainty around a decision is actually your body's version of 100% and is all you need to feel confident taking action.
To master listening to this authority, remember the first two rules of having a defined Emotional/Solar Plexus Center:
The first rule of having a defined Emotional/Solar Plexus Center: NEVER MAKE DECISIONS WHEN YOU'RE IN YOUR FEELINGS.
The second rule of having a defined Emotional/Solar Plexus Center: NEVER MAKE DECISIONS WHEN YOU'RE IN YOUR FEELINGS.
Don’t suppress your feelings. It’s vital you FEEL ALL THE FEELS first, wait for calm and clarity, and then act. Feel the HIGHEST HIGHS and the LOWEST LOWS, wait for calm and 80%ish percent clarity around a YES or NO, and then go ye forth and take action.
Pretty sure she's listening to her Sacral authority...
If you have Splenic Authority in your chart, your body might use the language of fear to communicate with you. The trick is to decode what the fear messages mean: are you feeling fear because the action you're about to take is outside of your integrity? Or are you anxious because you're not sure what the future holds? Or are those the butterflies of nervous excitement?
Another way the Splenic center communicates is through resonance: you might feel an instant deep recognition that a course of action is DEFINITELY meant for you, or conversely an instant unease, a knowing that this course of action isn't safe or right.
The challenge with Splenic Authority is that the Splenic Center communicates subtly and instantaneously: it sends the message in the moment and will not repeat itself. So the lesson learned through this authority is really one of tuning in with what nervousness and anxiety, what resonance and unease FEEL like in your body, and start learning when your body is EXCITED but scared or just plain telling you to RETREAT! If you're feeling excited-nervous, that's your YES, and you need to push through the "what might the future bring??" thoughts from the Mind Center that create anxiety. If you're feeling icky-uneasy-nervous, that's your NO and your body's way of saying THIS IS NOT MEANT FOR YOU.
A major key for Splenic Authority is to avoid using our Mind/Ajna to try to deconstruct or analyze these splenic sensations as they're happening. Don’t try to rationalize the decision in the moment. Save the reflection for after you act.
Do you have Sacral, Emotional/Solar Plexus OR Splenic Authority in your chart? Did this resonate with you? Let me know in the comments! 👇🏻👇🏻
Curry, Karen. Understanding Human Design. Hierophant Publishing, 2013.
Parker, Karen Curry, Abundance by Design. GracePoint Matrix, 2016.
Parker, Karen Curry. Human Design Activation Guide. GracePoint Matrix, 2018.
Parkyn, Chetan. Human Design: Discover the Person You Were Born to Be. New World Library, 2009.