An Intro to Human Design | The Seven Authorities | Self-Projected, Heart, Environmental & Lunar Authority
Artist: Ali Cavanaugh
Today we're winding up our study of AUTHORITIES, the language our body uses to communicate to us, many times in-the-moment, what is meant for us and what we need to back the fuck away from.
All of our centers communicate with us, especially our closed ones. The difference is that our authority carries the message we need to pay the closest attention to when making decisions.
Gentle reminder: despite being told since we were itty bitty kiddos to "think things through" or "use your brain," our Mind Center is actually not where decisions are made. It can be where decisions are CONFIRMED, but if you're living your design, the actual YES or NO impulse comes from your authority.
In your body graph info under Chart Properties (if you ran yours on #notsponsored #justafan) YOUR authority will be listed under your definition. The seven types of authority are:
Ego/Heart Authority
Self/Identity/G Authority
Environment Authority
Moon/Lunar Authority
The last two (Environment and Moon) are the only types of authority that come from OUTSIDE of the body.
Quick reminder to Projectors and Reflectors, since most of this post concerns you: your strategies of "waiting for the invitation" and "waiting a full lunar cycle" ONLY APPLY TO MODERATE TO MAJOR LIFE DECISIONS. You don't need to be initiated into a tuna sandwich or a salad at lunch. You do not need to be invited to purchase a pair of shoes or wait 28 days to buy a dress you love. Micro-decisions get the micro-strategy: do what feels good in this moment. Your authority becomes increasingly important as the decision becomes increasingly important. **steps off soapbox**
That said, let's get down to it and work through the last four the list, starting with Ego/Heart Authority.
Artist: Ali Cavanaugh
Heart Center (Ego) Authority
Heart Center or Ego Authority is usually the realm of pure Manifestors, as it provides a direct channel between the Heart/Will Center and the Throat Center. It's the Heart/Will --> Throat connection that powers their ability to SPEAK things into existence. Basically, the motto of this type of authority is "If I want it to happen, I make it happen."
Because it's been a hot minute since we covered each of these centers, here's a micro-review:
a closed Heart/Will Center releases energy as willpower when we make commitments to ensure that we honor them
a closed Throat Center gives an outlet for that Heart/Will energy by turning desires into manifested actions
So how does this authority speak to Manifestors? A YES feels like your heart is being drawn toward something and a NO feels like you're being pulled away from something. But in order to feel the pull-toward or pull-away, you need to start talking.
Manifested Heart (Ego) Authority is all about articulation. It's taking the desires of the Heart/Will and expressing them verbally through the Throat, which means you need to TALK SHIT OUT, hear what you say, and act accordingly.
The trick to really mastering this, for a Manifestor, is WHO is around you as you talk it out, because the goal here is to INFORM (your strategy) as you initiate yourself, not to be dissuaded or rerouted by the people around you. So pick people you feel comfortable spitballing your plan in front of. Then let what you blurt be your guide!! This is not a thoughtful/self-reflective process. Nope. Think of it more like free-association. Just start talking about what you want to do and then pay attention to the things you say you want to do and act on those. You need to bypass the Mind/Ajna Center, which wants to analyze and problem solve...but the goal here is to initiate yourself and catalyze your own action. Listen to the words you choose, be firm about the action you intend to take, and when you're clear on the direction your heart is pulling you, act. Your voice is what leads you and your heart/will follows.
Here's where shit gets a little bit tricky. In SUPER rare instances, Projectors can have Ego Authority in their chart, but it presents very differently. In this case, the Heart/Will Center has a direct connection not to the Throat (where Manfestors speak things into being) but to the Self/Identity/G Center, which provides the internal GPS for our purpose or direction in life. Typically, when a Projector has Ego Authority in their chart, it's because SO MANY of their other centers are open that they'll just naturally receive the strongest, most consistently reliable messages from their Self/Identity & Heart/Will.
As with all Projector decisions, being first RECOGNIZED and then INVITED is CRUCIAL. This Friday's AMA will dive deeper into the Magic In-Between but for our intents and purposes, this authority kicks in when the invitation is received. Then, it's the Projector's job to really ask your Self/Identity Center's question "What do I want? What is in this FOR ME?" and then feel for the pull from the Heart/Will Center toward (YES) or away from (NO) the invitation.
Artist: Ali Cavanaugh
Self-Projected Authority
Just like Heart (Ego) Authority brought voice to the Heart/Will Center's desires, Self-Projected Authority brings voice to the Self/Identity/G Center's IDENTITY, DIRECTION and PURPOSE, and is usually the realm of Projectors.
For many, this center's voice presents as a deep inner knowing. You might have even found yourself saying "I JUST KNOW! I don't know why or how, but I KNOW WHAT I KNOW." Self-Projected Authority is a gentle, subtle yet innate inner knowing that something is for you or something isn't. Only you can really comprehend this feeling, and it's not your responsibility to do anything but get to know and to trust it. Some people even describe a physical sensation near their sternum when they have this KNOWING, but it could present differently for you.
The best way to get a sense of what your inner knowing is telling you is to give it voice. Talk it out, but you want to borrow a strategy from the Reflectors and be really discerning about who is around you while you talk it out because you have a ton of open centers. Talking it out is NOT to farm out the decisions to others. It's not even about them weighing in. It gives you a chance to hear yourself talk through what you're feeling, as the act of TALKING and then HEARING your own words can give you invaluable insight as to your next steps regarding the invitation that has been extended. Like those with Manifested Heart (Ego) Authority, let what you blurt be your guide! Think of it more like free-association. Just start talking about what you want to do and then pay attention to the things you say you want to do and act on those. You need to bypass the Mind/Ajna Center, which wants to analyze and problem solve...and just let the Self/Identity Center answer the questions "Will this make me happy? Am I headed in the right direction? Is this meant for me?" AND THEN LISTEN TO WHAT YOU SAY. This can require a certain vulnerability, so again, try to talk invitations out with folks whose energies you want to emulate.
Artist: Ali Cavanaugh
Environmental/Sounding Board Authority (Mental Projectors)
If you’re a Mental Projector, you may have Environmental Authority (a.k.a. Sounding Board Authority) in your chart. You tend to have a deep reliance on your Mind Center, and need to be able to bounce ideas off of others to gain clarity (i.e. you need to use folks as a sounding board). This allows you to really hear yourself out, so to speak. Talking things out just allows you to better connect how what CLICKS, what consistently just make sense.
It may help you to read the sections about how those with Heart or Self-Projected Authority talk it out, because the same rules apply: not everyone makes a great sounding board for talking out your decision. Keep in mind: because SO MANY of your energy centers are undefined, you are super vulnerable to conditioning influence of others, so you need to be a ruthless curator of the energies you allow around you. Think about who has energy you want to emulate as you talk out the invitation you received, listen to what YOU have to say and what makes the most sense when you say it, and take action from there.
Artist: Ali Cavanaugh
Lunar Authority (Reflectors)
Reflectors have no inner authority and, like all the other authority types discussed today, need to talk their decision out before committing to a course of action. The only difference here is for Reflectors, this process takes 28 days or one full lunar cycle to complete. Reflectors really need to feel how the various courses of actions resonate in each and every one of their gates (those little numbers on the edges of the center that are either switched on or not in our charts also correlate to a specific astrological influence...we're going to start tackling gates soon), and it takes about 28 days for the moon to move through and touch all of those aspects of their energy before they have true clarity around their decision. Since ALL of your energy centers are undefined, and you are super vulnerable to conditioning influence of others, so you need to be a ruthless curator of the energies you allow around you. Think about who has energy you want to emulate as you talk out the potential plan of action you, listen to what YOU have to say, talk it out again, listen to what YOU have to say, lather, rinse, repeat for 28 days and then take action from there.
Artist: Ali Cavanaugh
Curry, Karen. Understanding Human Design. Hierophant Publishing, 2013.
Parker, Karen Curry, Abundance by Design. GracePoint Matrix, 2016.
Parker, Karen Curry. Human Design Activation Guide. GracePoint Matrix, 2018.
Parkyn, Chetan. Human Design: Discover the Person You Were Born to Be. New World Library, 2009.