An Intro to Human Design | Unpacking the Profiles | 1/3 Investigator/Martyr
Artist: Amy Judd
Those with a 1/3 profile are a mix of 1st line Investigator and the 3rd line Martyr traits and energies. Not only am I a 1/3, but to date, about 15% of my clients have been as well :)
Before we get into what it means to be a 1/3, a little bit about the profiles and what they mean for our Human Design: if the incarnation cross is what we're here to do during this lifetime, the profile gives us invaluable insight into how we're meant to do it. Our profile shapes the way we walk through the world and provides SO MUCH MORE MEANINGFUL INFORMATION than our type alone does. It's how all these elements combine (our open and closed centers, our type & strategy, our authority, our gates and channels, our profile and our incarnation cross) that gives us the most accurate picture of not just the blueprint for our energy, but the impact we're meant to have and the lessons we're meant to learn during this lifetime.
Artist: Amy Judd
Famous 1/3s: Hilary Clinton, Beyoncé, Princess Diana, Pablo Picasso, Sally Field, Michelle Pfeiffer, Jon Bon Jovi, Charlie Chaplin, Jesse Jackson, Poet William Blake, Andy Warhol, Eric Clapton
1/3s are most romantically compatible with: 4/6s & fellow 1/3s
1/3s also get along really well with: 3/5s, 3/6s, 5/1s, and 6/3s
The 1/3 Investigator/Martyr
Where are my fellow 1/3s at??
Real talk: when I was first unpacking all the various parts and pieces of my own Human Design chart, THIS was the aspect that resonated the hardest and had me screaming “THIS IS SO ME!!!! HOW ARE YOU IN MY HEAD????”
1/3 Investigator/Martyrs are the only profile with BOTH lines in the lower trigram. The first line represents how our mind works/how we think, and the 3rd line represents how we behave/walk through the world.
The 🔑MAJOR KEYS 🔑 for 1/3 energy can be summed up by two words: RESEARCH & DISCOVERY.
The RESEARCH part comes courtesy of the conscious 1st line energy, and manifests as a NEED to a build strong foundation from which to work. Investigators LIVE for swimming in the gray areas of the research process, diving into a topic as thoroughly as possible, and asking the hard questions in a quest to get to the bottom of things. And as a rule, Investigators do not feel comfortable sharing or teaching until they are pretty confident they’ve earned a certain degree of expertise. In The Definitive Book of Human Design, Ra Uru Hu explains the first line energy like this: as a species, he says, humans are primarily motivated by their need to survive, and finding a reliable source of security addresses that need. 1/3s earn this security by honoring the energy of the 1st line’s deep research habits. Subject-matter experts are always needed in society, and if 1/3s are following their authority and cultivate a super deep & rich knowledge of whatever subject area lights them up, there will always be an audience who wants the information only they can share, which makes them super employable. Secondly, because the 1/3 has spent a TON of time diving deep into their topic, they can feel super secure in sharing what they’ve found, because, to put it bluntly, they’re less likely to be talking out of their ass. Knowing what they’re talking about, and feeling confident in that knowledge, empowers them to share it with others in a way that lands and is understood, and less likely to questioned (in terms of accuracy and truthfulness).
Conversely, 1/3s DO👏 NOT👏 like being pressed to weigh in on a topic they haven’t studied, ESPECIALLY if they have either their Head or Mind Center open, or both! With my combo of open Head, Mind AND Throat Centers, I totally feel this way. I get super uncomfortable when I a) notice someone is positioning themselves as an expert on a topic when it is clear that they don’t have the knowledge or expertise to back it up 😠, b) watch someone trying to reduce something super nuanced into something definitive 😩 or c) experience someone pushing me to give my opinion on something when I don’t have the knowledge base or background to speak from 😰. OY! All are a hard sacral NO.
Artist: Amy Judd
The 3rd line is all about DISCOVERY. 1/3s learn best through personal experience and really struggle to follow the advice of others. Here’s the hyperbolic fictional example I use with my clients: let’s pretend we’re on a beach and there’s a huge roaring bonfire. There could be signs all around the bonfire that say CAUTION! DANGEROUS! HOT! and there could be others around warning us not to get too close to the fire, but because we 1/3s learn best from experience, we’re not going to take the signs or what someone else says at face value. Nope. We’re going to get as close to the fire as we feel like we can. And we will probably end up losing our eyebrows and singeing our hair in the process 🤦♀️. But then WE 👏WILL👏 KNOW 👏and can vouch for the fact that fire is 🔥HOT🔥, and we will tell anyone who will listen “HEED THE SIGNS! SERIOUSLY! THIS BONFIRE WILL BURN YOU!” Folks who are predominately 2s, 4s, and 5s will listen because they see by our third degree burns we have the lived experience to back up our warnings, but fellow 3s and 6s will probably have to experience the heat for themselves.
As a 1/3, with all the trial and error our personal discovery process demands of us, it’s easy to get discouraged, to feel like we’re #failing ALL THE TIME. The trick is to flip the script and try to take each failure and turn it into a teachable moment: What did I learn from this experience? What wisdom did I glean that I can take with me? Both in the Course in Miracles and in the tarot via the Lovers card, we learn that every single person we encounter on this planet is a teacher, and every single interaction we have has the potential to grow us and aid in our soul’s evolution IF we let it. As a 1/3, a big part of what we’re here to learn is how to take what we can from each experience and allow it to inform how we move forward.
Artist: Amy Judd
A final fun fact about 1/3s: it’s VERY HARD to lie to us. Since our default mode is to get to the bottom of things, as early as childhood we usually start to develop a really accurate 🚨bullshit detector 🚨(**I’m fighting the urge to post ALL the Maury Povich memes**). And if a 1/3 ALSO has an open spleen, watch out. NOTHING gets by us, even if we don’t let on…