Welcome to 2022: An Energetic Forecast
I took this photo at White Sands National Monument in New Mexico years ago. I CANNOT WAIT to go back with my camera and hike this magical place again :)
I'm sure you've seen posts all over Instagram and TikTok previewing the energy for the rest of the year, so I wanted to take this opportunity to pop by the blog to connect it all back to Human Design.
So thankful I can nerd out with you. This is what I imagine I must sound like to those not mystically minded LOL
In Numerology, 2022 carries the energy of the numbers 2 (b/c of the repeating twos) and 6 (2+0+2+2=6). So let's get nerdy and break it all down, shall we?*
Starting with Numerology, the number 2 carries an energy of intuition, peace, patience, and balance. In the Tarot, the 2nd card in the Major Arcana is The High Priestess. She's usually depicted either sitting down or chilling, holding a book. She is still and is ready to listen and receive. But the answers she receives come from within. Her deep mystical, metaphysical and spiritual knowledge, her divine feminine wisdom is INNATE. She represents the deep, secret, sacred, ancestral knowledge of the moon, as the moon has been described by astrologers as a symbol for the sum total of personalities one has from previous incarnations to provide us with deep multifaceted knowledge and awareness in this life. Basically, she's intuitive guidance embodied.
In Human Design, this energy has its corollary in the concept of our authority. For many, the past two years has necessitated TONS of personal reflection, and 2022 is going to ask us to start walking the walk: how do I take all of the wisdom I've uncovered/rediscovered/reconnected to about who I am and what I need and really start EMBODYING it as I walk through the world?
In Numerology, the number 6 carries an energy of unconditional love and compassion. And the 6th card in the Major Arcana of the Tarot is The Lovers. I'm sure you've seen the pervasive/reductive AF interpretations of this card (SOULMATES! TWIN FLAMES!) but deeper study reveals that this card is a lot more complex, yet also surprisingly quotidien. The Lovers card reminds us of one of the core teachings from A Course in Miracles: “No one is sent by accident to anyone.” Every👏 single👏 person👏 we interact with is a teacher to us, and we, in turn, are a teacher to them. In every interaction is a lesson, and two MAJOR KEYS that come up again and again in those lessons are COMPASSION and EMPATHY. Meanwhile, in Astrology, Saturn remains in Aquarius this year, and even for those of us NOT experiencing a Saturn Return, this energy is asking us to take a look at how we interact with others, whether those interactions be personal, romantic, familial, platonic, and/or professional, and calls on us to really step into our purpose and start getting intentional about how we show up for those we love (and honest about how others do or don't show up for us in return).
In Human Design, this energy calls to mind the Right Angle Cross of the Garden of Eden, and The Lovers card could almost be its mascot. This incarnation cross (which happens to be mine) is all about walking through the world as an embodiment of compassion and generosity of spirit toward others AND, as importantly, toward yourself.
ENERGETIC FORECAST: 2022 is going to be a year that calls on us to really look inward and recommit to listening to our authority, our individual unique intuitive voice that serves to guide us toward the greatest good, for ourselves, our communities, and the collective. 2022 will also be a year of reconnection and reflection. As we hopefully are able to step more back into public spaces and in-person interactions, we're being asked to walk with compassion and empathy, as many of us are more than a little rusty at this being-in-person thing, and extend that compassion to ourselves as well as others.
So here's wishing you a compassionate, intuitively-guided year full of connection, balance, & joy!
jaclyn michelle
*Numerology is clearly MUCH more complex and has TONS more to say on the energies of the numbers 2 and 6 than my one-sentence takes. Two Numerologists whose work I admire who can go much deeper into these energies than I can are Remington Donovan (whose new book Numerology is on my TBR pile) and Michelle Buchanan …and I definitely defer to their expertise.