the work | Life as a Process of Becoming


It is SO EASY to find yourself stuck in stagnant, ever-repeating cycles. I have BEEN THERE 🙋🏻‍♀️ I LIVED THERE in that "kind of death" for YEARS.

For me, this "kind of death" happened when I was at my most "successful" (read: what capitalism deems success). I had the title & the paycheck, but I was deeply out of alignment with my soul's calling & felt like I was trapped in a perpetual survival response. I was working 80 hours a week, constantly catching a flight or driving to my next presentation, running on so much caffeine/adrenaline, & repeating the super unhelpful mantra "if I can just make it to this weekend..."

If this was "success," I didn't want it. It SUCKED. Life had stopped feeling like a "kind of death;" it felt like actual death, full stop. I felt like I had ceased to exist.

Because there was no space for growth. There was no space for evolution or for change. There was NO "process of becoming."

So out of desperation, I burned my life to the ground so there was NOTHING BUT SPACE for growth & becoming 🤯

Now, I don't recommend everyone do the same LOL

BUT if you're feeling like I was (stuck, stagnant, exhausted, like you're living someone else's life, that you've ceased to exist):

a) you're not alone! I see you!

b) that doesn't have to be your story 🖤

I built the karmic studies | elevator specifically so you DON'T have to burn it all down. Instead, we're going to light a series of small (metaphorical) cleansing fires 🔥 to light our way & clear room for the process of BECOMING.

Inside the elevator, we use the birth charts as both a map & a fresh perspective from which to view ourselves. We get curious about our patterns and their sources. And we bring what we find out of the brain & into the body to catalyze that beautiful process of BECOMING✨

Radically compassionate self-inquiry isn't fast or glamorous, but DAMN does it WORK.

In 2023, if you’re looking for a process & a community with which to do this work, I’d LOVE to welcome you inside 🤗

Questions? Leave a comment below or email me at interiorcreature @ gmail dot com.